Friday, February 15, 2019

Dvar Torah - Titzave - Rabbi Yitzchok Wolpin

This week we are privileged to read the portion of Titzave. The portion begins with the mitzvah of preparing proper olive oil in order to kindle the Menorah every evening. The portion continues with Hashem commanding Moshe to arrange for the production of the special garment to be worn in the Holy Temple (Mishkon - Beis Hamikdosh), by the High Priest - Kohen Godol. Separate garments needed to be worn by the other Kohanim (priests), during their service in the Mishkon/ Beis Hamikdosh. Each of these garments needed to be prepared according to special specifications. Each of the garments of the Kohen Godol were to atone for different sins, and their specifications have hints and very deep meaning.

In Shmos 28 - 2, the Torah says that the garments for the High Priest Ahron shall be made for honor and splendor. This would imply that it was sort of a manifestation of splendor, and a uniform to present the honor of the position. Further in the next phrase, the Torah states “and you shall speak the wise people whom I’ve invested with the spirit of wisdom, and they shall make the vestments (garments) of Ahron to sanctify him to serve me. This seems to be a contradiction. Is the purpose of the outer look of the Kohen meant for splendor and honor or is it for sanctity, and service?
Many times two people will hear the same thing and one hears what he wants to hear and the other is really paying attention to the deeper meaning. The simple person may view the garments and vestments as a uniform thats just there for splendor, someone who’s not superficial understands that every detail has meaning. Every color, every cut, every stone, every garment has tremendous lessons and is meant to awaken in us a yearning and a desire to get closer to Hashem. As we are well aware before the Jewish leaders went out to war they would consult with The Urim Vitumim which was placed behind the Brestplate - the Choshen. The answer would show up in lit up letters on the Choshen. Of course to understand and appreciate this one needs to obtain wisdom and not look at these holy garments as just superficially.

May we speedily merit to return to the days of true glory when the life of the Jewish people was directed by meaningful servants in the holy temple.

ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים בשמחה ובטוב לבב.

Gut Shabbos

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